Schedule a Phone Consultation
Winter Quarter Appointment Update
If you are calling to schedule a phone consultation, please note that you might only receive one appointment this quarter.
Schedule a Phone Consultation
The first step in connecting with therapy services through the Counseling and Wellness Center is to schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation with one of our therapists.
If you had a phone consult last quarter and are looking to establish continuing care, please call 360-650-3164 to schedule—do not use the online scheduler.
What can I expect during a phone consultation?
During your phone consultation, the counselor will ask you standardized screening questions and discuss your concerns to better understand your situation. They will provide support and may suggest possible next steps for care, such as group support, individual or couples therapy, self-guided well-being resources, peer and community supports, consultation with another university office, and off-campus referral. Recommendations are tailored to your individual needs and resources, and the counselor will explain how to access and use those resources.
About Our Therapy Services
Our therapy services—individual, couples, and group therapy—are provided at no additional cost to Western students currently enrolled in 6 or more credits who have paid the Student Health Services fee. Learn more about therapy services eligibility.
Other services we offer, including Survivor Advocacy Services, Gender-Affirming Care, and Substance Abuse Prevention are free to all Western students.