Evaluation Process

Formal Evaluations

Twice a year, interns are given formal feedback about their professional skills and performance. Interns will be evaluated on the nine profession wide core competencies: Research, Ethical and legal standards, Individual and cultural diversity, Professional values, attitudes, and behaviors, Communication and interpersonal skills, Assessment, Intervention, Supervision, Consultation, and Interprofessional/interdisciplinary skills. They will be evaluated on the scope of activities in which they engage, and their behavior and skills associated with the activities that comprise the training experience. The intern’s individual supervisor drafts the formal evaluation and discusses it with the intern prior to forwarding it to Coordinator of Training. The Coordinator of Training forwards the formal evaluation to the intern’s academic department twice a year.

As a part of the evaluation process, individual supervisors meet regularly to exchange information and/or perceptions about the progress of interns. Such information is used to address evolving needs of interns and to acknowledge areas of strength. Evaluation and feedback are viewed as important aspects of the learning process which assist interns in maximizing their strengths, developing new competencies, and mastering the fundamental skills which will permit them to function in the multiple roles of a professional psychologist.

Interns are expected to achieve final ratings of at least a “3” on a five-point Likert scale indicating that an intern demonstrates basic competence and the ability to independently function in a broad range of clinical and professional activities; to generalize skills and knowledge to new situations; and to self-assess when to seek additional training, supervision and/or consultation” across all Profession Wide Competency areas:

  • Research
  • Ethics and Legal Standards
  • Individual and Cultural Diversity
  • Professional Values and Attitudes
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Assessment
  • Intervention
  • Supervision
  • Consultation and Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary Skills

Direct Service Requirements

  • 500 direct service hours
  • 20 hours of outreach
  • 2000 total hours of internship experience
  • Completion of 2 case presentations: a formal case and an identity and culture case presentation
  • Presentation of one intern seminar during spring or summer quarter
  • Completion of program and supervisor evaluations