Violence Prevention and Education

Western is deeply committed to creating a campus community that supports healthy relationships and fosters a safe environment for everyone. Our prevention and education programming is designed to help you build stronger skills to identify and intervene in situations where others’ well-being or safety may be in jeopardy.

Sexual Violence Prevention Mandatory Training

All Western students are required to take our online violence prevention training. For more information, see the required training page.

Training for Student Athletes

Counseling and Wellness Center staff provide sexual violence prevention training for all student athletes in order to promote a healthy and safe culture at Western; fulfill the vision, mission, and goals of the University; and support the University’s compliance with NCAA policy and Title IX requirements. Register your team for a training workshop.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training

As Western prepares anti-racism training for all employees and students in line with recent Washington legislation, students are not required to complete a diversity, equity, and inclusion training as they did during the 2020-2021 academic year. During this time, content on identities and inclusion are included in the mandatory violence prevention training. 

We recognize that this is not an adequate substitute for anti-racist training, and look forward to collaborating with experts across campus in the design of the future training.