Student Support Resources

Counseling and Wellness Outreach Through the CWC

The Counseling and Wellness Center supports student wellness by connecting Western students to the programs, services, and resources that will help you live your best life at Western and beyond.

Red Folder Project

The Red Folder Project is a campus-wide initiative to help faculty and staff recognize, respond effectively to, and refer students in distress. 

Gender Affirming Care Team

The Gender Affirming Care Team connects Western students with resources, offer consultation, provide counseling, discuss non-medical affirmation and provide support around social transition.

Office of Student Life Care Report

The Care Report is a form to share concerns or make a complaint related to a particular Western student. The information you share is submitted to the Office of Student Life and professional staff review the information and will work to coordinate support for the student to ensure their well-being and success, or initiate the student conduct process when a complaint is made.

Bias Incident Report

The Bias Incident Report is a form to report a bias incident, which is language or an action that demonstrates bias against an individual or group of people based on actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, disability, sexual orientation, age, or veteran status. 

Overview of Student Services

This page provides a list of clubs, services, and campus organizations at Western.

Basic Needs Assistance

This page provides a list of on and off campus that offer help to students in need of food and shelter care or access to other resources and support.

National Crisis Text Line

The national Crisis Text Line is a free, 24/7, text-based mental health support and crisis intervention service. Text HOME to 741741