Neurodiversify Your Toolbox

A swirl of wires in a spectrum of colors

Neurodiversify Your Toolbox Workshops for Students

Neurodiversify Your Toolbox is a 4-session skills workshop series designed to create a Neurodivergent (ND)-positive space for students to learn more about how their brains work, gain useful tools/resources for navigating barriers in neurotypical spaces/systems (e.g., college classes), and share their own skills collectively.

What to Expect in These Workshops

This workshop series is open to any students who identify as a neurodivergent. This can include ADHD, Autism Spectrum, OCD, Learning Disabilities, etc. No diagnosis required and no appointment or RSVP necessary. 

Important Note: The purpose of learning “skills” is not to increase masking or “make you more neurotypical.” In addition, these workshops are NOT therapy or a therapy group. If you are looking for a therapy group, please contact the Counseling and Wellness Center at 360-650-3164 to find out more about individual and group services.

Dates and Details

All workshops will be held on Zoom, 4-5:30 PM on the following dates:

  • Monday 1/27/25: What Is Neurodiversity, Ableism & Masking, Navigating Social Relationships 
  • Monday 2/10/25: Mind-Body Relationship, Rhythms & Routines, Self Care Strategies 
  • Monday 2/24/25: Head vs. Heart, Coping with RSD & Strong Feels, Self-Soothing 
  • Tuesday 3/11/25: Motivation & Attention, Completing Tasks & Goals: Challenges & Strategies

Neurodiversify Your Toolbox for Students Zoom Link

Why You Might Find These Workshops Helpful:

  • The opportunity for students to share skills with their ND peers helps build community.
  • Learning more about the role of ableism in Neurodiversity can increase self-compassion.
  • Exposure to new skills/tools can help generate alternative approaches to current obstacles.
  • After each session, students will be able to access a summary of the skills covered, relevant handouts, and other resources (e.g., websites, educational videos, apps, etc.)
Multicolored spiral

Supporting Your Neurodivergent Thinker Workshops

The Counseling and Wellness Center also offers a 3-session skills workshop designed to create a Neurodivergent (ND)-positive space for friends, family, faculty and staff to learn more about how to support themselves and neurodivergent thinkers.  

What to Expect in These Workshops

This workshop series is open to friends, romantic/platonic partners, or family members of any students who identifies as a person with ADHD and/or as a person who exists on the Autism spectrum. It is also open to faculty and staff members of Western Washington University who want to learn more about neurodivergence. No diagnosis for the loved one is required and no appointment or RSVP necessary. 

Important Note: The purpose of these workshops is NOT to teach you how to encourage your loved one to mask or to be “more neurotypical.” These workshops are a companion to the Neuro-diversify Your Toolbox sessions being offered to students this semester. These workshops are NOT therapy or a therapy group. 

If a student is looking for a therapy group, please contact the Counseling and Wellness Center at 360-650-3164 to inquire about our Divergent Minds therapy group, which is described on the Therapy Groups web page.  

We welcome your questions and topics of interest! If you have a suggestion for topics we should cover you do not see in this description, please email them to or

Dates and Details

All workshops will be held on Zoom, 3-4:30 PM on these Wednesday dates: 2/5, 2/19 and 3/5.

These workshops will define/invite reflection upon topics such neurodiversity and ableism, and help people better understand the neurodivergent brain. These workshops will also cover topics including communication, emotions, executive functioning, self-care, advocacy, and more!  

Supporting Neurodivergent Thinkers Zoom Link

Why You Might Find These Workshops Helpful:

  • An opportunity to connect with others who have people in their lives with with Neurodivergent brains.   
  • Learning more about the role of ableism in Neurodiversity to increase understanding and compassion.   
  • Exposure to new skills/tools/ideas can help generate alternative approaches to your relationship with a neurodivergent thinker.   
  • After each session, you will be able to access a summary of topics covered and other resources (e.g., websites, educational videos, apps, etc.)